New Post Type!

Recently I’ve been thinking , how can I give my viewers/ listeners (from my podcast) the chance to have a greater input into what goes on at Fox Reviews Rock. Then I came up with weekly polls!
Every week (Normally on a friday) i am going to give you the chance to vote on something meaningful in the rock community.
This time and on a wednesday for one time only I am asking you which band you want me to review in the next month! So please take the time to select one of the following options and if the artist you want reviewing isnt listed please leave it in the comments section!
There will be another poll this friday too, so stay tuned for more interesting things to vote on!

19 thoughts on “New Post Type!

  1. Hi there, Foxy. You followed my blog and I’ve done the same back at you. Love your site.

    How about picking a song or group of them from this hobbyist (me) plying his garage rock trade? Fully understand if this blog is for established musicians (I do it for fun on the side) or the genre is out of your scope. But…

    Also, lots of independent musicians out there doing great things. Anyway, keep on rocking along.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. If you haven’t already, I’d love to hear your views on Blabpipe, lots of albums to choose from. Either way, your blog is awesome and I’m making my way to your pod cast. Rock on!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That sounds like a fantastic poll idea! The Beatles are timeless, and I’m sure many people will be excited to see them as an option. I’ll definitely keep an eye out for it—I wouldn’t want to miss the chance to vote for such iconic music. Looking forward to it!


  3. Bonjour, My name is Victoria, and I will gladly participate. You are one of the two (yes, two) people who took the time to read and like the articles I write and publish on this few-week-old blog that everyone tells me will never take off. Thank you. James Clear said, “Greed is wanting the benefits of community without contributing to it,” I agree! 

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi there! 🙂 It takes time but im pretty certain the people will come flooding over to your blog 🙂 Keep up the amazing work and more to the point believe in yourself as you need to be your own biggest champion, ignore the ones putting you down and rise to the top!

      Liked by 1 person

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